meet bob.
bob is my papa.
bob is a farmer.
bob has been married to my beautiful nanny for 51 1/2 years. they have four children. they also have nine grandkids, and a grandkid-in-law.
bob is super hip.
but right now he is hip-less.
a few complications have led to removing a hip for awhile to fight an infection.

it has been hard to know that he is going through so much right now and i feel so far away. he is seriously one of my favorite people on the planet!
with a few other things going on in life, it is hard to balance it all and keep the right focus.
here are a few words from one of my favorite songs by jj heller(your hands):
"when my world is shaking,
heaven stands.
when my heart is breaking,
i never leave your hands."
i know that i am in His hands and He feels my pain and hurt.
in the mean time, i will trust.